The entry below is classified as a LEGACY post, meaning that it was written (well) before the current version of Avalonstar was released. Although these posts have survived the numerous moves over years, there is no guarantee that they've survived the trip unscathed (especially the links).

Blogging Isn't a Minute Gig

...although I wish it was. Or do I?

Maybe not. It's not the old "hi my name is Bryan and this is what I did today" sort of thing. Actually, I would have loved to just sit down and write about how I'm in Minnesota in twelve-degree weather. But, it's not that simple anymore. I can't just sit down for a few minutes and just pump out a post, not that I'd want to. I have to think about what I want to say, how I'm going to say it, if it's relevant enough to my subject matter - things like that. Those thoughts aren't voluntary though, at this point, they're pre-programmed. It's a bit scary, but truly letting go is easiest when some emotional cord is hit.

About a week ago, I talked to Faruk about how long it took him to create a standard post:

How long does it take you to write?
hmm, depends
an article like my Newsvine: Organic web article is generally 2~ hours
more if I feel my writing hasn't been consistent enough
I see.
Wow. Some of mine take about 30 minutes. Maybe that's too quick?
my log posts are usually around half an hour to an hour
I tend to get sidetracked a lot, too.

Even these days, it doesn't even take 30 minutes if I think about it. Maybe if it's one coherent thought, or that special "I'm pissed at something" phase. But other than that if it requires research of any sort, it's going to take a good while to do. A good example of this is Mr. Industries' "The Roundabout SEO Test," which according to him took 3 months of on and off writing to create. Now I'm still on my way up that road, but I haven't gotten there yet, as I haven't created any writings that have needed any in-depth research. But nevertheless, you can see that blogging is a very time-consuming activity. This leads into the fact that many people stop blogging for periods of time because they broke out of their "phase," meaning that something else took precedent over their blogging routine. Examples being - playing a new video game, workloads increasing or finding a significant other; which leads me to quote Mike, "This is also one of the myriad reasons (I suspect) why I don't have a girlfriend." I can't empathize with him though, but I do have my reasons.

We all know that it's not a matter of copy, paste and publish, unless you're trying to be "evil." Nevertheless, I think we all wish sometimes this art was that easy. But it's the fact that it's a challenge that keeps so many of us going, even to the point that you make it the only thing you do. I wonder if I could ever pull that off someday.

Avalonstar is the 22-year-old personal website of Bryan Veloso: content creator, retired professional user interface designer, and compass of purpose.
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